
Am I to assume that the Project Cars footage cars footage is from PC since there's no beta for consoles? I gotta admit I'm curious how it will look on Wii U. I heard rumors of co-op rally mode where the 2nd player acts as navigator on the gamepad.

No worries. Comics fans tend to over think everything, myself included.

All these DC related shows and movies is like a dream come true... Or it would be save for the fact that Martian Manhunter is nowhere to be found. I need to have a little sitdown with David S. Goyer about J'onn J'onzz.

But but, what about the US?. Most people here have no clue the New 3DS exists... Yet it's supposed to release in just a couple months.

It's odd that the Wii U, which has smaller games, allows any external hard drive, but PS4 doesn't?

That's why it's struck out and he wrote Chevy whatever. Nobody cares because Bumblebee is a damn Volkswagen. His name came not just from his color scheme but the fact that he was a "bug" in car mode.

Indeed. People that think Nintendo was in danger of going broke couldn't be more wrong. That know what will cost them and they have built in losses for each year, such as the massive amount of money they sink into R&D.

Fail. The way I remember it, the Dreamcast was doing pretty decent numbers even after the competition released. That year head start and a focus on arcade enthusiasts set them apart. I specifically remember SEGA opting out of the race, killing the system prematurely, not because it was failing but because it would be

First it's Lil' Mac, now it's Diddy. I feel that people crying "OP!" about characters aren't seeing the problem through their anger. There are two types of Smash players that always win- One that has mastered the game thoroughly, knows every character, and very much deserves their wins. The other, is more frustrating.

You sir, just won the Kotaku comments section forever.

But can you turn off notifications of when a friend comes online?

Thank you Nintendo for not getting involved in the trophy/achievement nonsense. I never saw the point. I don't care how how many trophies I have because I don't care what "bonerdude" or anyone else thinks of my online presence. I just want to enjoy my games. What does it even matter when you get trophies for as little

This on Occulus Rift, with an array of flight controllers, will be awesome. Plus, since it's on Steam there will likely be tons of mods.

You could just get the PS3 version...

Is there a way I can share Miis with a QR code? This is new to me.

I love the tracks, but the cars, parts, and characters do feel a bit lazy with the exception of Link. Yeah there's no Diddy Kong or Kirby, but we have 4 Marios and 4 Peaches. 8 racers, as many as the first Kart, are just Mario and Peach!

While this is true, I can't count many games based in feudal Japan that had sny basis in reality. As tired as I am of the Assassin's Creed games, the only reason I picked them up to begin with is to play through history I've studied my whole life. So I would love to see AC in Japan, especially the meiji era. The ship

"In Japan, some people do put salt on watermelon to bring out the flavor, so the taste wasn't that peculiar. " Is this a new concept to you? I've been salting my watermelon since I was 3. It's delicious, and definitely isn't a Japanese thing, just a watermelon thing.

This great! I've been yearning to play these again since I was a kid. X-Wing vs Tie Fighter and Mechwarrior 2 were the first 3D games I ever played. Maybe if these sell well enough, we'll get another Star Wars space sim? The timing would be great considering the Oculus Rift is near perfected and space sims are a