I hear that for an extra $2000, they’ll replace the motor with a webbing loop so that you can pop the handle out yourself and save some weight.
I hear that for an extra $2000, they’ll replace the motor with a webbing loop so that you can pop the handle out yourself and save some weight.
Wow, that’s impressive! A plastic GM part that can withstand 4 pounds of weight. Now I’ve seen everything.
Gotta keep the darn cats off.
they purposely pick jury members who have no idea about jury nullification ....
The shutdown made TSA employees likeable.
It’s even a fake Toyota.
I don’t give a damn how fast they are or how shitty they are to drive as long as they sound like a banshee riding a lightning bolt upwards out of hell. Can we fix that part first?
I’m honestly pretty impressed by just how much of a colossal fuckup Brexit has become. Who knew that giving in to paranoid, racist delusions could be bad for a country?
I feel for this person, the driver, because they have to live their whole lives with the kind of mind that thought driving while blindfolded was a good idea. That’s rough. Still, she probably has a future in politics.
It’s a trick promotion.
It turned that Audi into an Innie. And the driver into an Ouchie.
Pole hits pole, more at 11.
But cars aren’t actually getting much heavier—if you ignore the nameplate.
Car loans provide an advantage over paying outright as long as the interest rate is below the rate of inflation and rate of return in the market.
First of all, it’s a DEPRESSION, and we are ALREADY IN IT!!!!!
“Bro, if you don’t trigger On Star at least once per lap you’re pussy-footing it.”
There once was a truck full of oil