
well “real” feminism doesn’t exist, many different movements bear the mantle. Some are sex positive, some are not, some are trans inclusive, some are quite vocally not. Putting that aside:

Except by calling it “real feminism” and “the patriarchy” despite noting that “the patriarchy” is supported by women and opposes men, you are specifically othering men. I mean, MRA’s say the same thing “they want to help everyone”, but its bull there too.

Being former Canadian Infantry I call bullshit. They didn’t get good nicknames (“Warrior Pigs”) , but there absolutely are women fully mixed in all roles, including combat. Subs were the only exception, but I think we have them there now too.

You do know part of being trained to kill people on command is not thinking of people as people right? It feels like people don’t truly understand the enormity of psychological and social change required to kill people.

Go figure, people you train to overcome all sense of social norms and morals so they can kill someone they have never met without thinking don’t turn out to be well adjusted in regards to socially acceptable interpersonal behavior.