
You got chocolate in my peanut butter!

Naw man, but it's cool.

Naw man, but it's cool.

Drunk Jim Morrison > High Jim Morrison

Drunk Jim Morrison > High Jim Morrison



Yes, I do. First, you have to

Yes, I do. First, you have to

Where the fuck is Dikachu?

Where the fuck is Dikachu?

No promises…

No promises…

Any time they were competing with the gang from Gary's Olde Town Tavern.

Any time they were competing with the gang from Gary's Olde Town Tavern.

How many comments before this board achieves sentience and tries to destroy the world?

How many comments before this board achieves sentience and tries to destroy the world?

Well, that's a downer.

Well, that's a downer.

Fake news!