Fake news!
Fake news!
Cool! Can we go back to complaining about it?
Cool! Can we go back to complaining about it?
Best. Movie. Ever.
Best. Movie. Ever.
If you invited two friends to start posting, and they each invited two friends to start posting, and so on, in less than 50 iterations we'd have more posters than there are people on earth.
If you invited two friends to start posting, and they each invited two friends to start posting, and so on, in less than 50 iterations we'd have more posters than there are people on earth.
This comment board is like our child and we all get to watch it grow.
This comment board is like our child and we all get to watch it grow.
This comment board is like our child and we all get to watch it grow.
Abadabadabadabadabadabadaba said the monkey to the chimp.
Abadabadabadabadabadabadaba said the monkey to the chimp.
When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?
When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?
Would that it twere so simple.