things that make you go boom

Oh, so this. Which is why “astute humility” is such a gawdawful tell, as well as a facepalm. If you’re patting yourself on the back for being so shrewd and cunning, especially when it comes to displaying your humility, then humble is the last thing you are. She’s the same fatuous ass she always was.

No, he wouldn’t care. He’s a Republican, so all he cares about are power and the wallets of the rich.

The utter hubris of thinking/believing that your show, and your ‘content’ is so compelling that it just has to be made–without any regard for the people in the industry as a whole that make it possible–is reprehensible. The self-absorption alone is just stunning.

She rebranded herself as an empathetic flower child. And people fell for it. Why? It’s not a secret that she’s from a famous family of actors. She’s got the role of a lifetime and isn’t about to loosen her grip on that bag. Fuck every one who needs the power of collective bargaining to get anywhere close to a decent

I have had a hormonal IUD for six months now. I am a mother of two who has only been pregnant twice that I know of so you can do the math on the number of abortions I’ve had. I have not had sex since I’ve had my IUD. It was recommended to me for my increasingly heavy periods. They were so bad I left blood all over a

Im going to say it again.  I was born in 1965, the year that contraception was finally legalized.  I am the youngest of four children born to parents who never wanted children.  It sucked.  No child should have to grow up like that, but millions did.  If you're wondering why so many old people are screwed up.  We

Boebert was escorted out of the theater. Which is not the first time Boebert has escorted.

“Her only child had been killed in a drive-by shooting months earlier”

Ab-so-fucking-lutely. It boggles my mind that these fuckwits are given the ability to take a life with barely a high school education and less than a year in an “academy” (being taught by another bunch of racist, homophobic, misogynistic fuckwits).


It is the only flaw in the diamond: not enough murder by the murderbot. #LetChopperKill

In fairness, Boebert is exceedingly ignorant

The show is so disappointing. We’re 5 episodes into an 8 episode run and it still hasn’t overcome the series biggest flaw. Chopper hasn’t murdered anyone yet. Not one person. Not one droid. Nothing. He’s been relegated to babysitter! What are we even doing here people?

We desperately need judicial reform in this country, top down.

Yes. Unfortunately for every American outside of Rifle, CO we ALL know who you are you classless oxygen thief.


Bro, I am just going to be honest, as I have read your reviews from the REALLY suck at your chosen profession. Enjoy your snarky little in jokes and decidedly self indulgent ability to shit on everything. You remind me of a “cool kid” in high school and a weirdly toxic SW fan in equal measure. Why even

If I’m vaping at a musical (which I don’t since I am not 21), especially in Colorado, it’s VERY potent THC.

Conan paid his entire staff out of his own pocket during the 2007-08 strike. Drew is confiscating pro-WGA pins in her audience.

Even Scott is self-aware enough, he said something like “they can’t call me black so they call me gay”.