In related AV Club news, a website that ushered its former writing staff out the door and replaced them with cheaper, more industry-friendly writers is reporting on the plight of writers.
In related AV Club news, a website that ushered its former writing staff out the door and replaced them with cheaper, more industry-friendly writers is reporting on the plight of writers.
The best part is that she would laugh at your joke and then go on living her excellent life. Meanwhile you’re still the bitter little troll desperate for attention.
Sir, this is an Arbys
I love when dummies think it’s the writers who are responsible for the same old ideas being produced when in fact it’s studios who greenlight movies and TV shows. Studios hate originality and demand rehashes because they care about profits not creativity. It was the studios that wanted a Barbie movie. It was the…
From the sound of your comment, you don’t have any new ideas or fresh viewpoints to provide.
I know the writers have no power over this, but the ads are getting absolutely ridiculous now - and they weren’t good before.
So when the fuck did Russell Crowe become likeable?
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 2.2
I’d love to see how much this school district spends on the programs they didn’t cut to “help students”. Wanna bet the Football program is intact and probably cost them hundred times what the libraries do?
Public school -> prison pipeline, complete.
Someone clearly destroyed one of his horcruxes.
This one really hurts. I knew Sinéad very very briefly during secondary school (she was a few years ahead of me). I remember being in awe of her and a bit afraid of her and amazed at her talent all at the same time. Even then, we all knew she had ‘something’. Go back and listen to Lion & the Cobra; when you do,…
Of course she’s getting death threats. She made a conservative white man feel bad.
Because “small town” is just a dog whistle for a sundown town.
It’s bonkers that this dude was present and on stage to witness the largest mass shooting in history and but apparently has no problems writing a song with (very) thinly veiled calls to violence. Way to look inward and grow as a person.
You’re in the pocket of Big Peanut aka The Illuminutti.
Increasingly, whenever musk does something I think of that line from Austin Powers when Dr. Evil is talking about his father and says “he would make extravagant claims, like he invented the question mark”. Not that musk’s kids will turn into Dr. Evil, but I can see one of them saying this unironically.
My behavior, while not criminal,
“My behavior, while not criminal...”
If Cher doesn’t call her gelato “CHURN BACK TIME”, then we have failed as a civilization.
Also, if you’re seeing this Cher, you’re free to use that as long as you give me credit and 1% of the profits.