Thierry Henry

You’re a moron. By that logic, Tommy boy supports Trump so fuck him too. 

The Athletic comment section is entirely made up of people going “Great article! This is why I pay for the Athletic!”

I am a very happy subscriber, The Athletic content is outstanding. I hope they do manage to breakthrough.

Good luck, please remember to take time for yourself to grieve and release some of this emotional baggage from the garbage you have to take in and communicate to all of us. Your efforts are appreciated while also recognized as being a finite resource.

They outscored their European opponents 10-3 in 5 games and never trailed in the tournament.

The triathlon part, mostly.  

Well see, that’s where I disagree.  

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

Being overweight is a choice people make.

I’m an expert skier and snowboarder and live and ride in the Wasatch. I’m out from 40-80 days a year, depending on snow levels. I honestly prefer the backcountry to resorts. That said, as I both ski and ride, I’m on a lift I hear complaints from both sides. They’re all baseless and pathetic. I will say that novice

Suarez is washed up. He doesn’t even have the most dangerous teeth in top-flight soccer anymore.


true, though I do like the US’s historical success against Germany in match ups on French soil.

Her arms were straight down. That is not a handball. End of discussion.

Fuck Trump.

He’s also one odd bird.

Really been a banner week for Canadian smugness and it’s only Wednesday.

Well that revealed... nothing...

The only people who lose are the people who tossed asterisks on the times the Warriors stomped out LeBron. 

Not to be all “get off my lawn,” but this is entirely his fault - he should have called “behind you” to his fellow kitchen worker, instead he created a situation where he had to bail out a teammate as a result of his own malfeasance. All I see here is a showboating glory boy.