G’Kar points at poster. “Who is that?”
G’Kar points at poster. “Who is that?”
Babylon5 is the apotheosis of that last category. Well written, sometimes campy, but when it hit it hit HARD
I always kind of got from the movie that it was definitely an upperclass vacation thing to a large extent (ie, John is a lawyer, everyone else seems like....well, not like they were suffering from any 1970s urban or rural plight).
Holly shit, I knew there was something unsettling in that image, but I couldn’t pinpoint it. Now that you pointed it, I can’t unsee it.
How did she manage to get her claw marks to be non-parallel like that? Up at the top of the image, they’d have to be two or three times the maximum spread of her fingers.
Oh good, for a minute there I was worried we’d have to go without the sun this weekend and I have plans.
Till all are swole.
I finally said, “fuck this,” back during Dark of the Moon. I just couldn’t take it any more. I would kill for one, just one, Transformers movie where the robots are distinct looking and have actual personalities.
Why does he have tusks? God, I can’t wait until this generation of Transformers is over.
The designs in this series are almost as bad as everything else about this series.
I’ll say it: This is the best 2D Metroid since Super Metroid. I followed the project for nearly 10 years, and the love he put into it is on another level.
I don’t know why you seem to think that wandering around aimlessly is playing the game “legit”. The game launched with a tracker. Being able to actively hunt down pokemon is core gameplay. You may be content doing basically nothing but that doesn’t make your play style any more legit than people who actually like to…
It may be that, but I think its mostly this. We’ve barely left our neighborhood; it’s too early for sweeping assumptions.
A disappointing DC movie?
I disagreed with him on a lot of political stuff, but you have to do a whole lot worse than just be right-wing for me to cheer your death. He made a lot of people’s lives happier with his acting, and at least the few times I met him, he seemed self-aware enough to know that he was just a big lug who didn’t have all…
IRP, Mr. Doyle. I’m sure he’s up in whatever afterlife Daffy Duck rules over.
Being Asian American, I’m fairly happy I’m legally allowed to marry white women now. Not that I’m going to, but I’m happy that I won’t be murdered if I do.
I would watch Thor in a comedy any day.