Brian SF

Don't know where you work, but you have my sympathy. I work at a Fortune 100 company and if we didn't joke, insult, etc customer service would go into the proverbial toilet. Happy workers take better care of customers. For example, one of our executive committee members lost a bet and had to wear a pompadour wig

The folks ranting about the price have apparently never built a computer.

You do realize of course that you can not buy t-shirts in i tunes or in the app store. That's what the gift card is for.

aren't ALL bullets designed to kill people. I mean isn't that the whole purpose of bullets?

Dont worry the set hasn't spoiled anything.

That cat looks so sad, almost like it knows that every trekkie that sees that picture is going to die a little inside.

Yeah, quit innovating and improving your products

I especially liked the chicken dance at about 2:30

The person who wrote the article clearly has no understanding of what Apple currently does or what it plans to do with this building. The new building will be less car friendly than its current campus and will actively encourage employees to walk, bike or car-pool to work. Apple also run employee shuttles from as far

i'm surprised no one mentioned that time when Wolverine killed all the X-men, Red Skull killed the Avengers and became president, Hulk had kids with She-Hulk etc etc etc in "Old Man Logan"

I agree about the boring title. As for the change in title, well bad things have happened to people who have merely mentioned the name of the artifact the movie is about.

The title was changed because someone was a bit superstitious about the original name. Can't say I blame them.

The box was bought at an estate sale by an antiques dealer from the grand daughter of a holocaust survivor in 2001. The grand mother wanted the box buried with her but because it went against Orthodox tradition, it wasn't.

Dudes, the box that shall not be named is not something to trifle with. Even just saying it's name can cause misfortune. The actual story that this is based on is much more creepy than scary, I've been following the story for a few years.

That inflatable log flume looks AWESOME!!! If they made one for adults I'd be all over it.

I can't believe you went to a wedding at a posh hotel and failed to compliment your dress with an appropriately matched clutch. That's fashion 101.

pirating software/music etc is not ok either. There is however a slight difference here. The publisher claimed the article was written by him.

Honey, those are NOT acid washed, THESE are acid washed.

Should carry a spoilers warning. Now we know what happens to District 12 in The Mockingjay.

To the best of my knowledge, in most countries where the chopstick is the main utensil, it is quite rude to finish all of your rice as it indicates that he host did not provide you will enough food.