Brian SF

This won't last long. When ATT ( then SBC ) tried to do this in California the Public Utilities Commission put the kibosh on it.

it's a duck, definitely a duck, or a platypus.

When I was little I would often ask " where's the system?" in my sleep. When someone, usually my mother, asked "what system?" i would mumble " the < unintelligible > system" My mother said it sounded like I said either "the sewer system" or "the solar system"

Am I the only one that mistook the title of this post as "The 7 Worst Smartphone INJURIES and How to Fight Them"?

So THAT"S what straight sex looks like.

I've only ever walked out of one movie in my life. "battlefield Earth". The book was great but movie was was horrible.

Let's look at the facts. Tim Cook is older, incredibly rich, not married, AND has a younger asian male roommate. Hmmmmm, if that ain't space-gay then I'm the Queen of England.

And San Francisco wonders why the Niners are moving to Santa Clara.

Thailand is as much a democracy as Great Britain. It is a constitutional monarchy with a Prime Minister and a Parliament. His Majesty the King and the royal family are much loved and revered by the Thai people and more than one foreigner has gotten his ass beat by ordinary citizens for badmouthing the king.

Wait, you mean it doesn't? ;-P

C actually = copy X= cut

Remember what happened to the pig-lizard they digitized from the planet to the Protector in Galaxy Quest? THAT is what would happen to the vamp.

First apple doen't employ children in any of it's factories, at least not knowingly. And i'm guessing you, like the typical American has never lived abroad. I lived in southeast asia for a year and made about $20usd/day for a total of a little less than $600usd per month. That tiny amount got me a HUGE studio

Not just plants..... PLANTS WITH RINGTONES!! LOL

The Ruins? Really? The book was bad but the movie is right up there with Battlefield Earth as one of the worst movies ever made. I actually walked out.


I totally agree. I almost fell out of my chair yelling "NOOOOOOO!!!" when that first blade went in!

" I have one job on this ship, It's STUPID, but i'm gonna do it!"

You have no idea how hard it was to write that without giving anything away! ;-P

Me too! I was glad when she showed up at the end of DwD. i can't wait to find out what happens after she rode of with.......... I really hope it doesn't take GRRM another 6 years to finish WoW.