Brian SF

I told everyone who got into the show not to get too attached to anyone. The Red Wedding did surprise me, but not as much as what happened to Brienne in the cave at the end of Feast for Crows. I read that part on the BART and actually said out loud Wait! What? How?"

I can think of two WTF deaths in DwD. I think that one person was lying about the first one just to fuck with you know who because that's how he/she is. If he really is dead than it was kind of expected but still came out of no where. The second one totally caught me by surprise, though I don't think he's/She's

Definitely browsing it wrong. It looks fine on Chro.....i mean safari, yea that's it. i use safari not that evil google thing.

There's an app for that.

I have friends who laugh at me because I am afraid of clowns. After I show them these commercials they'll understand.

Let me guess. The pervs got Federal grants for these "studies".

What about Chewbacca? He was crush by a frakking moon!

"much better filtering techniques than tap water or home filters provide."

Back in the day when 56k was the newest hottest thing. I had a "friend" who bought a 56k modem at CompUSA. He then opened his both his 28.8k modem and his 56k modem, switched the guts and returned the 56k modem, now with 28.8k guts, for a full refund.

Why no "Animaniacs"? That was the greatest

Max Headroom was played by Matt Frewer

I just recertified and they have dropped rescue breathing. And ironically the best beat to use for chest compression is the beat from the Beegees classic "Staying Alive"

I haven't seen HR PuffnStuff since i saw a live show at the Garden State Arts Center when i was like 5 or 6 and it scares the bejesus out of me. I remember screaming and crying and holding on to my sister for dear life, but could never remember exactly why. Until NOW! This show CREEPY. Now i know why i'm afraid of

After Mom won the lottery ( seriously she won ) she bought a 1975 Sedan DeVille. She kept it for 10 years. The only time i appreciated it was on a drive from New Jersey to Denver with dad and my 3 brothers.

anyone remember these tweens ingenious use of their cellphone.

@ttk2: That was a bad joke to coverup my poor tuping..... errr ....typing skills

@ttk2: oooops should read 'my parents GAVE ME a stick and a rock'

@CPD: I know times have changed since i was wee lad the weekend and in the summer i would leave the house in the morning and not come home, usually covered in dirt, until the streetlights came on.

@ddhboy: 10 really? for my 10th birthday my parents a stick and a rock. and to "use my imagination" to create all kinds of games with them.