thiazin red

And also, why the hell would the seatbelt release stop working if you did go into a lake? You just hit the button and take it off. 


The water girlfriend sounds dangerously insane. I hope the writer broke up with her. 

I prefer the Inquisition take on game romance. It feels more real for the characters to have different sexualities. Not everyone is into the player character, and the characters can form their own relationships with each other. Sera can get with the dwarf scout, Dorian and Bull can end up together.

1. I liked Riley in season 4. My issue with him was that after he lost his powers he immediately devolves into the shitty stereotype of the man who can’t handle that the woman in his life is better than him at something. So he treats her badly, cheats on her, and blames Buffy for not “needing” him enough. The worst

I’m legitimately fascinated by this comment. Have you honestly never seen a movie review before, or heard of the concept? 

I just don’t get this at all because glasses exist. If I’m at home or at work, I drink from a glass. If I’m thirsty I get up and refill the glass. I won’t die if I don’t bring a gallon sippy cup with me when I run errands. 

It makes sense that stealing a horse would be a harsher punishment. A horse is a living creature, and they’re surprisingly delicate. Insurance will replace a car, but a horse is a unique individual. You can’t just go out an buy an identical copy. 

If people cared about the quality of the meat, they wouldn’t be eating at Subway in the first place. The people who go there are already content to eat garbage, so why waste money on fresh meat?

It was a shitty unfunny bit, why should she have pretended to find it funny?

Its not offensive, but its very unfunny.

I don’t understand it either. For example, I don’t like olives. Therefore I don’t order olives on my pizza. But, I also don’t throw a fit and demand no one else ever have olives on theirs. 

I have a cookbook with a bunch of recipes from the middle ages, and a ton of them have both fruit and meat. Pies with beef and prunes, pork with apple or dried currants, duck or goose with fruit sauces. There’s also one for a cheese and onion pie with dried currants. The aversion to mixing fruit and savory is much

Right? Did they forget Davies’ first run and the entirety of Torchwood? 

I will never understand bigoted Who fans. Their ideas are 100% counter to the message of the show. The Doctor would get in their faces and tell them how wrong they were. They would be the craven immoral humans collaborating with the Daleks.

I don’t understand the popcorn one at all. Why would you need to shake the unpopped ones out? They just settle to the bottom of the bowl and you don’t eat them. Why would it make any difference whether they were there or not? It seems like more effort to shake them out, throw them away, and then serve the popcorn than

I’m sure everyone at the Olive Garden is extremely impressed by your manly display. 

Before I go to a restaurant I look at the menu to see if I think I’ll enjoy the food. If the menu doesn’t appeal to me, I choose another place. I don’t go there, demand they make me something not on the menu and then throw a tantrum if they refuse.

I don’t understand this at all. If you don’t like the dish being offered, order something else. If you want chicken or mushrooms, order a dish with chicken or mushrooms in it. Why would you insist on ordering something but demand they change the entire recipe? 

For me the sound is definitely not better in theaters. Its so damn loud I have to wear earplugs even to dramas.