Thiazin red

I don't get it either. Like Jane told Patrick in Coupling, how difficult or mysterious is front and center?

I can't imagine finding it sexy since dealing with UPS in NYC is an insane excersize in frustration and idiocy.

I assumed it was a joke making fun of how there is female nudity in nearly every episode, compared to something like two shots of weiners in the entire show. That seems to me to be the only way it makes sense, or is funny.

I suppose Kevin could still be a player on the show. If I understand correctly souls aren't blocked from entering Heaven. So theoretically, Kevin could go to Heaven and get involved with whats happening there.

The saddest part about Kevin being dead? All that teasing abut bringing Mrs. Tran back is all for nothing! Don't tease me with the promise of Mrs. Tran and then kill Kevin Supernatural.