
A bit scared since what happened to Unity, heh? Especially since they're pushing preorders so much.

Isn't all the combat in The Witcher just QTEs?

Man you really shouldn't kill just because of a cool dreamcast

Ceiling Cat prequel?

Sure, but I don't think anybody cares. I don't think anybody would care if it were a coffee shop inside Google either.

Well, this sucks.

I knew you were going to say CKII. This is old news, what's up with making this article?

You can put patches on discs

Seriously, if you pirated a game you're not allowed to ask about any problems you have with it or ask to have your version of the game supported at all

This PC gamer is going to a physical store to buy a disc of a video game they can play offline on their computer. Internet is not supposed to be required

This is how a bard fights

Have you seen the Pac-Man iOS app? This video did not need making, it's real!

There's too much violins in the media these days

The other company didn't have that price either though!

Nintendo doesn't really think hard about these things, they have genders when it's relevant.

nice touch on Bowser's hair

My school uses chalk boards. What's wrong with that? It's probably cheaper to buy chalk than new pens too.

new shoulder buttons weren't counted? or did they go into 'c-stick'

so it's finally legal to cross the street with jet boots?

What's the "G"? Is that a Smash Bros. thing? Animal Crossing money is "Bells" from what I gather, so it can't be the usual "Gold"