Thiago Travi

Casual games developers are actually quiet skilled in what they do. They can tailor a game that is engaging for some time but not TOO engaging, because if that was the case it would be too frustrating to be forced to stop because stamina has run out. Having to wait stamina recover is a good excuse to stop playing and

Fair game.

It is good to be alive.

A dream coming true. Who doesn’t want to be a hentai tentacle monster? Well, because I do!

For pvp you don’t have to buy anything aside skins, that are cosmetic only.

Simulacra and Simulation

Eyes meet eyes. You just need to close your eyes and they can’t find you.

Best boot of all the time.

Wrong Microsoft, he’s a highschooler... *sigh*

So it’s all cool since a big chunk of these modders doesn’t want to do it anymore. Do you play with mods? Think they are cool and enrich your gaming?

But doujinshi is sold in Japan.

Show me the book were those laws are stated.

Valve and Bethesda were trying to change ways thing work, since this “fan content” was so great and helped Skyrim so much that including them in thos equation was only fair.

45º... Win.

I would sell my future children to slavery for a daily stream of this.

That seems a very unlikely behavior for Valve. At short-term it would be rather profitable, but at long run it would destroy their customer trust, built so carefuly in all those years. That would impact in all Valve services and products, domino-effect.

Maybe user reviews, endorsements and ultimately a mild curation by Steam could achieve reasonable quality levels.

We all saw that mess riding towards us miles away, even Valve and the other developers that allowed it. Giving the option of charging for something that always been free is bound to anger pretty much every player.

He also played Ceasar at HBO’s Rome. Natural leadership I suppose.

I can only guess what plutonium tastes like... mmmmm