The Holy Hand Grenade

Man fuck everything about this story. Grown, actually adult men from the party that rails against sex work, blocks welfare safety nets for teenagers, free tuition, student loan forgiveness, axes housing for displaced youth etc; battered “tuition” for sex with a 17-18 year old girl. Yet she’s the one who endangered

The real problem is the sizeable number of people in this country who just don't care about the facts. If he's an asshole on Fox news and pwns the libs, they'd vote for him if he was in jail. 

With the Greenberg thing tho, the Feds won’t accept any obvious hooey, and whatever deal he makes goes out the window if he’s caught dealing hooey.

Ok, we know Greenberg will say whatever he thinks will get him some kind of deal. We know Gaetz will continue to claim he’s the victim of a massive Deep State plot to bring him down and destroy America. We know Stone will lie about everything to advance whatever agenda is currently fermenting in his head. So how do

It’s like they keep it bottled up inside all the time, and whenever they think they’ve met someone who they can open up around, they just have to let it loose.

Although I’m Black and have never experienced it myself, I have white friends who tell me that racists *love* the opportunity to share their racism. It’s like they keep it bottled up inside all the time, and whenever they think they’ve met someone who they can open up around, they just have to let it loose.

My grandad, a hugely devout Catholic, mass everyday, having the father over for dinner once a week, was sent to Italy during WWII. He never returned to church again after visiting the Vatican. They had so much wealth and used none of it to help the victims of the war. They hoarded it and continue to hoard it.

I wish I thought of this comment. Perfect. 10/10. 

From kindergarten to 12th grade, I have had to deal with these hypocrites and I refuse to take any more of their bull. The Catholic church has covered up pedophilia, but the life of the un-born is so much more precious. STFU! Hypocrisy carries a cross.

If churches are gonna start taking political stands then they should have their tax exempt status removed. 

Wait until they find out he’s anti-pedophilia.

Are you allowed to take communion if you spent part of your career covering up child abuse done by your religious buddies too? I just want to know where their double-standards lie.

Rhodes told the police he didn’t actually have any weapons in his car

Diddler Retreats also one of the jaegers cut from Pacific Rim.

So, one of the most mediocre of mediocre white men thinks nothing of the Native peoples and full civilizations that were here before Europeans arrived?

The very same ones who use “I can’t breathe” as a joke.

The semiconductor shortage is so poorly reported here.

Oh man...imagine what happens when the stoned teenage ferry attendant asks her to put her mask on. I'm guessing we'll get an Auschwitz comparison from this twit.

3rd Gear:

Well, we do need more organ donors