The Holy Hand Grenade

Or rather, to Los Angeles, forcibly.

Hey, remember when we all wondered "What would Sean O'Neal have to say about this?" and the Newswire would have like 500+ comments?

Aw yeah, Affleck is diving head-first into his own Color Of Night phase. Ready for even more endless gifs of Southie Dong?

Okay, you neglected the best best parts: the quick pan to another car on the left with the lady just standing there covering her mouth, and the other person walking by with “donotlookdonotlookdonotlook” body language.

I’m sorry that people were asses towards you like that, when they in fact owe you the same dignity you’ve afforded them.

So is the defense going to just play Jan. 6 footages and ask where’s prosecutors on these motherfuckers?

Jason Oppenheimer appears to have read all the news about Uber fucking their drivers and took the wrong interpretation from it.

That’s brutal. nuGawker is also brutal to read.

This may be the only time it’s sort of relevant, but I came across one of those imported teas with this name: SLIMING HERB I spent the whole day pondering what would I do if there was a tea that induced slime, concluding that I’d definitely use it to get out of meetings.

Hold close to you the people who treat you well; they're thankful for your presence too.

That upside-down kiss scene? Filmed upside-down and they actually hung Dunst up from the ceiling and built the whole set upside-down. Her hair and the rain not falling the wrong way were all CGI. Why? Don’t question Sam Raimi’s genius, that’s why.

Where I work we fired some older men simply for acting sexist, like refusing to listen to women supervisors and making sexist comments.

As a straight I don’t get this either. I’m with you that if someone inflicted emotional abuse as a prank or, worse, some fucking “test”, I’d nope right out.

When I’m walking outside without a mask, sometimes I spit but only into the spots with exposed dirt or trees or grass, never on concrete. And never when I sense people nearby.

Quick! Find a serial port! 

Dave Chappelle has turned into a white guy.

Can we rename it to [This domain has been permanently blocked]?

You’ll die on this hill, but from overcrowding because everybody is on this hill with you.

I’m sure the term Daddy Long Legs gets abused quite a bit in their household.

I really love that Jez can’t tell Adam Devine (doofus from Workaholics, mostly known for getting kicked in his nuts in film & tv) from Adam Levine (doofus from early ‘00s faux rock/R&B band, mostly known for showing his tattooed man-boobs on tv).