Method Acting has been an excuse for bad behavior since before Marlon Brando sexually assaulted his costar Maria Schneider onscreen in Last Tango In Paris.
Method Acting has been an excuse for bad behavior since before Marlon Brando sexually assaulted his costar Maria Schneider onscreen in Last Tango In Paris.
Where she grew up it may have been referred to as the “War of Jewish Aggression”.
Um....did you also use a lighter to make them more....pliable? Asking for a friend, obvs.
I think she’s trying to draw a Q and kept getting the angles and tails wrong. There’s three failed attempts and whatever is under that purple patch that she probably covered her first mistake with.
For me the punishment/press thing was not the main point of comparison.
I read that story and realized George RR Martin was pulling punches on incestuous power patronages of the elites.
Alternate theory: Whatever was going on was so goddamn disgusting that the camera developed AI spontaneously to smooth that area out. Call it the Ken Doll Filter.
I really like how the main sponsor name adds to the “Fuck you, pay me” vibe of the whole thing.
“Ronnie, what are you doing here? Wait, how come you’re putting on the spikey snake helmet this time? Oh...”
“I don’t see color.”
I hate to say this, having been in these press conferences before, but nothing they ask in press conferences differ significantly from whatever they talk about courtside right after the game, except for trolls or people trying to push their own agenda.
The 10% credit card surcharge is extremely suspect.
The American World Series of Poker uses Hold ‘em almost exclusively, but I don’t know about fancy European casinos.
Just throw the Nazi off the aircraft and tell people “NO TICKET”.
The poker game looks like it was written by a 8-year old who just saw the first WSOP tv coverage, and there’s about three separate endings after the nut-scratching scene, but it somehow works.
Casino Royale works much better for me too, precisely because of the ‘Joker got caught on purpose’ plot ripoff.
The nationalistic Chinese social media users are obsessed with broadcasting how Korea and Japan were ancient “bitches” of China, or that everything good about Hong Kong is because CCP “lets it happen”.
But, but, Kinja's back end is run by Uighur slave labor as part of Fuckhole Capital's cost cutting measures, tho.
[In 2028, the Buttercream v Traditional Icing sectarian wars will decimate most of the East Coast.]
For me, the theater experience has always been a mental health refuge. Now that I’m fully vaccinated I have to think about whether that experience will be soured if I encounter assholes without masks on or hear someone coughing in the theater.