The Holy Hand Grenade

50 cases a day in our state or 500 cases a day nationwide, that’s the line for me not wearing mask in public.

Having worked in higher ed and secondary schools, I can say that most of the place I’ve been the administrators will give up on Black children early and often. That pairs up with the local economy or local employers that make parenting while working extremely difficult. On top of that you have an over-incarcerated

*chef’s kiss*

We can stop treating people crossing the border, who in almost all cases are seeking little more than just a better life, and in many cases simple survival, as if they are a potential massive burden, at best, and potential criminals, at worst.”

Question for everybody: what are the correct solutions?

Alright, I refuse to believe that this wasn’t Madonna just facetiming her ex while on the shitter and accidentally hitting “post screenshot” which was preprogrammed as a shortcut to her phone by her PA at her insistence.

Wait, that’s not Che Thanx, wannabe communist rebel cosplayer?

Congratulations, WaPo. I never thought a person can be re-victimized every goddamned time they tried to do their job like this. This is a new frontier in brutalizing your workforce.

Shit, with his eye sight I don't think he could find it on a good day.

Sir Patrick Stewart is the Sexiest Bald Man Emeritus. The trophy William got is a framed picture of Sir Patrick Stewart in a toga from the 70s. Not from a movie, just him hanging out in a toga on a random Thursday.

“Good thing I’m Bhuddist. Like Tina Turner.

When the ship gets released and towed out of the canal I fully expect the news clip to be mashed with WAP.

I’m pretty sure that a GPS plot of boats in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean will yield nothing but dicks and balls.

Excellent news for Danielle.

I dunno, the corpse might generate some centrifugal force from all that spinning in the grave.

Wake me up when Dominion puts Harry in charge of MyPillow.

The reason they haven’t had a press conference in a while?

A lot of the technology that allows the Green New Deal to even be imagined were developed over the course of working on space and aviation programs. This includes solar cell improvements, GPS that allows for a ton of efficiencies and accuracies that cut waste, leaps in computer and computational sciences, communication

Other crazy part: if the tank had burst on the other end, it would have flooded the warehouse/distillery and emptied into Boston Harbor. Instead the surface that failed was the one facing Commercial Street.

I’m a guy who’s worked in a professional kitchen before. I will offer to clean dishes for people who have us over for drinks, let alone my own. Our household has the rule that if you didn’t cook, you better at least sincerely offer to help clean. We all take turns doing everything.