I half hope to see Reps. Omar, Tlaib, Jeffries, and Clyburn show up with AR-15s on their shoulders just to see how fast Republicans call for a gun ban on Congress grounds.
I half hope to see Reps. Omar, Tlaib, Jeffries, and Clyburn show up with AR-15s on their shoulders just to see how fast Republicans call for a gun ban on Congress grounds.
I see liberals with that same mentality too, but nowhere as virulently as the people who preach their church-y-ness the loudest.
We have all met the type: college dipshits who calcified their minds after reading either some Rand or a Reagan bio.
I thought what Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes did for Trump would normally be rewarded with an AVN???
Too bad women don’t do the Junior thing as often as men, so the baby can be named after the mother: AsthedaugtherofawarheroJohn McCain
I was hoping for:
I wouldn’t call it nihilistic so much as humanistic.
Between covid and the 737MAX, this has been a year where airlines really make their lobbyists earn their keep.
The answer is white on the tip of my tongue, can’t white put a finger on it though.
All the masks I have (some of the blue paper ones at Sam’s Club, a bunch of vendor gifts) have that little wire strip for fitting the bridge of my nose. It fogs up about 1/5 of the time if I secure the mask under the glasses.
I’m going with “murdered by a person in a bear costume in a sex cult ritual”.
Wait, he was directing those slurs at employees who would be out of their jobs if they retaliated?
I’m sorry that you and your coworkers were endangered like that.
Since white people keep trying to what-about Black folks for every single thing another Black person does, I'll speak for all whites and say: yeah Dehydrated Michael Rapaport here earned that beatdown.
I do onboarding people and we keep a philosophy of “it’s an employment AGREEMENT”. You’re paid to use your skills during work hours, OT is your discretion, and as long as we don’t lose business due to slacking we’re fine.
I’ll be that asshole: a lot of the work you described and workers you interviewed seem to be too many degrees of separation from the essential products.
Jesus they ran out of vocabulary at the fourth kid?
This is a thing specific to second generation immigrants. I get asked about my name despite presenting mostly white with no accent.
I think we’re looking at two different bills here. He signed the covid relief bill, but vetoed the defense spending bill.