
Because we’re aware of La Nina. If they make up something like Anti-El Nino, it’ll get more of us to click through to the article to read about this unheard of weather phenomena, only to be upset when we find out they’re talking about La Nina again.

Why didn’t you just say “La Niña” up front? It’s not a new term, and “Anti-El Niño” sounds incredibly dumb—whoever came up with that term should be slapped. Open-palm.

That’s gold.

It fails to point that out because his rhymes are actually good and do display depth and wit.

Good riddance.

the trailer made me want to punch it in the face. It’s okay with me if other people like it. It’s just weird to live in a world were Ryan Reynolds finally becomes a star after those numerous lame attempts to foist his stardom upon us.

Well, you see, Ryan Reynolds said he was a real fan of Deadpool like three years ago, so the Internet decided then and there they were going to like the movie no matter what it turned out to be. Movies are about marketing and convincing people they like things before they see them now.

I saw it, thought it was good-ish but wasn’t blown away. The jokes you get in the trailer are pretty much what you see in the movie.

If I kinda hated the trailers for this is it still worth giving a shot? The vibe I was getting was “it’s a superhero movie....but he swears and cracks jokes!” If that’s basically what it is I don’t think it’s for me.

2009 called. it said shut the fuck up.

I think even Demarcus Cousins would agree with that premise. I don’t think he had them removed because he felt they were racist. He suggested having them removed because they could be misconstrued as insensitive given the timing of it all.

I hope they get Mike Fratello; headline: “Suns Turn to White Dwarf”

Holy shit, awful! My three-year-old does better than that and he’s terrible. I’m always like “there are kids your age in Pakistan making soccer balls and you can’t fingerpaint a fucking cloud?”


My mom forwarded me this facebook-meme-math-catasrophe. I called the police and now she is safely behind bars for the rest of her rotten life.

nailed it.

Something to chew on, like Prince Fielder eating brisket (because he’s fat).

Caloriic intake truthers... SMH

Damn! That’s a hell of a concussion. He likely has no recollection of that.