
Agreed, but why in the world is this posted under the Adequate Man imprimatur? These are the least adequate people I have ever seen.

I could definitely take Malala.

Everyone says shit like that at the beginning. They took my hot tub, ok, whatever. They made me wear ugly ass gym socks and eat tofu 80 times a day. Fine. They prostituted all my heroes, mocked my insecurities, and harvested my brain for consumption by alien zombies. Now it's too fucking LATE to speak up, brof!

I’m not sure how I feel about this post. I agree with part of it, but another part of me feels like I could argue against it. I dunno...


I’m wondering which way I should go here. Can you guys help me out? If a story is completely unverifiable and sounds a lot like bullshit, do you think I should believe it?

“He did?! Can you be more specific, man? I’m starvin’”

“This is the kind of Star Wars/io9 cross promotion that Gawker is going to spend the next few months driving you insane with”

You know you’re clumsy as fuck when you can’t even move and yet you still somehow stepped in a gigantic pile of shit.

Don’t sweat the difficulties, Albert. If we know one thing about gamers, it’s that they’re not particularly hypersensitive to any sort of direct or even indirect criticism about their hobby.

Im also new and and idiot did not mean to add the picture

Who is this clown that opens by completely whiffing with what looks like an entire loaf of bread? Bear wants a little bit of bread to start the meal. Put some bread on the table. Don’t throw a loaf 6 feet to his left.

Finally, Randy’s hair gets the validation it’s been asking for all these years.

(uses VCR with blinking “12:00 a.m.” display as a prop)

Now the practice squad gets trophies! And from the quarterback, no less! Just more evidence of the pussification of America.

House GOP: [elects Matt Williams Speaker]

lol for sure, man, for sure.

True story: I wen to do an MMA thing for GQ and sparred with Prince Fielder’s two sons, who were like seven years old. They were built like tanks. They’re gonna kick all of our asses in two decades.

NO, because he’s the man who has the ball. He’s the man who can throw it faster than fuck. So that is why he is better than everyone in the world. Kiss his ass and suck his dick.