can you please clarify that this is about soccer? i read the whole thing and was very confused
haha, babies.... reminds me of the hated Donald Trump or some immature basketball player
Lot of words for this children’s book, written for children
fuckin water drinker
bears are good, you kind of take them for granted but when you think about it, they’re good
yes there’s nothing Donald Trump supporters hate more than disrespectful public displays from their heroes that violate the false sense of decorum of their surroundings
dude thank you for this. people didn’t believe me when I told them that soccer guy smashes teammate’s face with ball, then gets his own face smashed
let’s swear excessively in a recipe on the internet
yes the classic lame/smart dichotomy
Hello Puja. You may take the elevator whenever you please. It’s a free elevator
no one said it’s not “bankable”
that’s an incredibly lame reason to learn a language
I would have thought his “toughest out” was getting someone out in baseball, or something like that. Instead, it’s alcoholism
mmm. soccer
is every sort-of entertaining thing the best thing this site has ever seen/read/heard?
It’s probably because his brain got bashed all to shit by football
hate to see this happen to the Same Hat Pals
put more violence in basketball. Steph is relatively small and weak and could be destroyed/beaten the hell out of by most of the players and even some coaches