
nowhere, that’s what i’m saying!

hey dude who named himself after an Anchorman character presumably sometime in the last couple years...... if you don’t think you can know exactly how funny something is or isn’t by watching the supposedly completely tonally accurate trailer and knowing what all the jokes are then you can take a damn hike

give it a chance. he doesn’t just swear, he also farts

saw the trailer, have seen/heard a lot of the jokes, they’re all really bad

“If you do not like that style or do not like the comic genre then you will not enjoy this.”

yeah it’s just weird that suddenly every critic in the world who normally has good taste enjoys that style

it’s actually not me, it’s the people who disagree with me. my good opinions are right and their shitty ones are wrong

This shit seems incredibly lame and unfunny for the reception it’s getting everywhere. like, “Ted 2"-level bad; maybe worse because it’s so openly proud of itself for not really being that clever

You never want to hear something like that.

I don’t care for dunks.

It’s not my place to say if it does that or not. I haven’t read the literature

Sarah Palin can shop in any 7-11 she pleases. Check your facts before you write some kind of lunacy of the highest order.

YEAH WHAT THE FUCK???!!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

a good tip is to say “i’m the healthy man” to yourself over and over all day

yeah, just more specific to one particular situation

yeah you can tell he’s definitely denim before

well you know what they say. “one neck’s small, one neck’s big”

Ah, Saturday Night Live.

that would be a ball lift i think

it’s always good to express how you feel

“totally brilliant”