
Yeah, I mean, it’s just the way I see it personally, could be wrong. Not trying to be controversial, it’s just one of those issues that come up sometimes where it’s sort of hard to really call it one way or the other, more or less

Me, I don’t personally think it’s that big of a deal that he can’t have one. I never had a hot tub in my room and it was fine. But I guess he had one for a while and it would suck to get it taken away, so I can sort of see the other side of it too. I dunno, I feel like this is one of those where you can kind of go

probably because of that big fuckin black shape in front of his face

Damn. Might have to take a flippant attitude toward this and make semi-morbid jokes about how I’m going to continue eating delicious meat because who wants to live that long anyway, etc.

i like the Hall of Fame. lot of guys in there who really bashed em out. the great Babe Ruth and many more

too late

haha, damn, look at that guy

Some would agree. Others aren’t so sure.

Drake has, in my opinion, caused an absolute sensation with this video. The internet is simply going wild.

I thought it was pretty good. It sort of plays on the double meaning of “eating it”

“hmm..... Bartolo Colon is fat..... and the headline uses the slang term ‘eats it.’ there has to be some kind of obscure connection here... there’s just gotta be an amazing joke if I could only figure it out..... think man think”

haha. he probably “ate it” because of how huge he is. big fat Bartolo

Pablo Sandoval allegedly said that too. two fat players

Haha. Not only did Bartolo Colon “eat it” by falling down, he’s so fat that he also “ate” a ton of unhealthy food; way more than most people, especially professional athletes, would eat. Perhaps he’s so fat that he even “ate” the whole locker room. this same thing happens often to players such as Prince Fielder or

damn. i figured he would confess to murder and getting away with it

come on

they should probably call it ANTland with the way that the site is shrinking to a small size!

sucks. never thought this guy would get bovine leukemia

this comment fuckin sucks!
