
damn the dude in that picture rules. i fuckin’ love that dude

no doubt

the way i see it, football will be going strong for years to come

oh well. at least we still have all those other football players though, as well as lots of great professional players in the NFL

damn. i guessed someone else

that’s your opinion

“Great, I needed a way to cook my burgers and other fatty foods when I’m in the woods or something and away from the convenience of my home appliances”

this would be so much better if he were funny

huh. never saw Captain America so that one went over my head. just came off to me as a dumb shadowy organization cliche

i felt the opposite, but i was taking this thing at face value so i guess that’s my fault

heh. you might even be so inclined as to venture to dare to say something along the lines of how the guy who hit the ball into the trash can lid was perhaps something of a “jerk”

oh definitely. all manner of trash, vomit, maybe even used syringes. that just comes with the territory when you’re talking about America’s wildest city, good old Las Vegas

that’s not what happened

when you think about it, this would be impossible anyway

love me a good biopic. can’t wait to watch the dramatic rise and fall of this classic group

i think it’s appropriate. this all started over a plane ticket, which I and millions of Americans associate with fun times and relaxation on the beach. there’s also a ‘beggars can’t be choosers’ aspect to all this, of course. furthermore,

this is a nice gesture and they didn’t have to do this. don’t be an asshole

“Thanks! That’s a good amount of money. Certainly nowhere near what I make as an NFL player, but nothing to scoff at regardless”

hyphen humor. that’s the stuff for me

good stuff. a fascinating story of rudeness