Zack Danger Brown

It’s like they say, “Pain is just weakness leaving the body. Or rhabdomyolysis. It can also be rhabdomyolysis.”

Can’t wait to read all the comments pending approval.

If the Man in Black is killed in this robot uprising, I move that we coin this event “The Ed Wedding.”

“Murked” cannot be the way that is spelled, right? I would have guessed it was “Merc’d,” as in, to be dispatched by a mercenary. Am I off-vase?  

I don’t know. That 4th and goal TD pass in the first OT was amazing.

Noah Brown not Noah Spence

How do I get to google dot com?

7 minutes and still haven’t fixed the typo in the headline.

Great hot take.

Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without your help and LeBron’s ennui. His LeBronnui, if you will.

Le Cousins Dangereux

Better buy new uniforms.

So, Tanner Schieve is just Steph Curry’s Leon Sandcastle, right?

*part and parsec

Of course he had to have some white-ass name like ‘Zack’.

People don’t like Cowboys’ fans?

What possesses a person to do this? Were you happy knowing that you were going to ruin some strangers’ days? Take some time to think about the consequences of your actions.

Knowingly eating something you are allergic to *before* the game? Think about your team, man. What a shellfish thing to do.