
I’d like to reiterate my request that he draws a Thanksgiving hand-turkey with that hand and posts it online.

So this is it, this is how Western civilization crumbles.

It means you can only go do stuff after climbing to the top of the tower in the center and scanning around the park.

Bold statement.

Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?

A Jay Gruden fat joke? Now that’s an offensive line that RGIII can really get behind.

Fuck these things. They look like the eye thing that Levar Burton wore in Star Trek TNG slipped off of his face and fell onto his neck.

ah. the zero sum game.

When the Hardy Boyz come back so will I. Oh god this is going to be a hard one to explain to my wife but this was a hallmark of my youth and the WWE is *this* close to sucking me back in to its fold.


I thought it was amazing :D. Especially with the pose.

I mean, you’re wrong, but okay

*Swipes iPhone up to turn on camera* [Cannot Take Photo. There is not enough available storage to take photo]

The only way to top this is to unplug all input devices and will the game to completion solely on belief.

It’s only a matter of time before someone completes the game by flopping their flaccid penis across a keytar.

I should say here: don’t do this. But if you do do this, do like Buchanan did and plan your escape route. And if you do that, and get away scot-free, don’t talk to the local news and give your name.

Love to shred the pow.