
The changing of the team like this reminds me of those college brochures that rave about their diversity.

I just don't think I can take the show seriously until Killer Moth is a main cast member.

We need to not name these random planets Gallifrey or OA or any other famous fictional planets. We get one shot at these names and we should make sure they are good planets. How else could we get real Gallifrians? If the planet can't house life, then we will never get them!!!!

I never realized it before, but wombats are essentially pig sized bears.

The pikachu loves the trainer, the trainer may not be loving the pikachu.

AssCred Unity v Sunset Overdive is going to be fun to watch. #TeamSunset

My bad cap 3. But that is the point. Disney owns Cap 3. Why would it want to do that to such a money maker?

It make perfect sense that Disney doesn't want to move Star Wars to May. It would then be competing with Cap 2, which means that is would be cannibalizing itself.

I am officially excited for this now. A little part of me dies for typing that.

Some Marklar soon Marklar will Marklar for all of us Marklars

"At least for females, genital tresses perform the same protective function that cilia do for the nose, and brows and lashes do for the eyes."

Well I was looking for a new sci-fi element to mess with. Will post results in a month! Go team!

The barrel of monkey scene from Iron Man 3 should have made the list.

With this announcement and Little Big Planet 3 I may be jumping from 360 to PS4...I kind of really hate myself right now.

Problem with showing old episodes of it, as mentioned on the show, is that facts change. So if people learned things from the early episode it is a crapshoot if such facts would be correct.

The movie also would have fallen into the Comic Con slump nd the week after would have been crushed by Guardians of the Galaxy. (I say crushed because it is the same demographic but with a talking raccoon and a Marvel backing) Then you throw is sci fi historically doesn't do amazing around halloween or christmas and

We all should have known it was bad when they attributed the source to buzzfeed.

That was before the timey whimey took over.

As long as it isn't Capaldi jumping into a stream of light that makes him the most important Doctor Who character of all time I am okay with this.

As a law student who created a space law society, I am a bit sad to hear I can't qualify that way. They will see!!! THEY WILL ALL SEE!!!!