
Awesome. Rape jokes!

Under the law?

I know. We should just raise the age of majority to 30. That way we can treat everyone like a child.

they were alerted to the attack after it was reported by a nearby hospital

Actual pasta takes far less time to boil than store-pasta. 3 Minutes for most strings. Goes to say it tastes and is better.

I feel more weight for shortcut “quick meals” than I do if something with effort comes out badly.

See, that’s where we just disagree. “Kraft stuff” is disgusting. At least to me.

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should

My point is that cutting corners sucks.

So don’t make lasagna?

Yeah, and homemade with effort is even better.

Because they’re Anarchists?

Ah, cool. I have a number of Indian and Chinese grocers in my area so I tend to go with that :)

I see that on the shelf all the time. I have never had a good experience with Thai Kitchen stuffs.

haha... that too! I took a chunk out of my thumb the other week :p

Hm. I just have to assume there’s more than just that. TJ’s isn’t about pure organics, but their food tastes fresher after frozen than anything. Our big bit has been their Greco-Roman pizzas... And I tried Newman’s pizzas before as a quick... “lemme turn on the oven” meal.

OMG now I want fries!

Haha... yeah. I have my own set of spices I default to.... like I think everyone does :) Mostly it is dependent on the person being served the food :p

My “choppin’” skills are superb! I always hand-cut stuffs.