
She’l like Jerry Springer in that she’s a smart person (beliefs aside) who realized that people want to see meanness and insults more than anything else.

Just goes to show that even a machine designed to spit out wrong answers to questions it was never asked will get one right eventually despite their best efforts.

***There would be no interrupting and strict adherence to time limits and sticking to the original question.***

Uhg. I’m sorry. I get frustrated by how little documentation is made available about Kinja. I actually think it is a good platform, but the esoteric/secret nature of how it works causes issues with users.

The argument is that these financial records show immense wealth in Italy where people literally buy politicians without batting an eyelash.

Bansky threatens governments with his art.

This isn’t about art. This is about someone who began literally throwing around 1% money and who wants to stay anonymous.

That is a single school of thought that you know is not the driving school.


That was my Shepard in ME.

That’s a good thought experiment, and personally I feel the same.

It all comes down to corporate profits. These people care not one lick for the people they serve. They care about making in-roads with rich people so they can be rich.

This is getting dangerous.

Interestingly, Bonjor Tristesse does come up in the Neapolitan novels though - if I remember correctly the first novel published by the narrator is compared to it - so I imagine it was an influence on Ferrante.

I think that when you start throwing around huge sums of money you lose the ability to remain in the shadows. We’re not talking about even most successful authors who live comfy middle-class lives. We’re talking about levels of wealth that have distinct and clear effects on political processes. That does triple for

My response was basically, “Well, I wouldn’t be opposed to that if you wanted it, you just can’t expect me to ‘just do it’ without any interaction from you.”

I and my partner see RGB as our goal. Not sitting on the court, but me being her Marty.

I have a hard time with this since my partner, in anger, told me she wanted me to “Cook, Clean and be quiet”.

As long as our policing is biased and white supremacist we get nowhere. We need to disband police and create a new system that is based on intelligence and compassion.

You make the whole point I made.