
Oh honey!

Eh, not zero-sum at all. We don’t have to “choose”. She can do both.

:D We’re twinsies!

It just, again, goes back to the idea that of we could allow middle-class people to comfortably exist on a single income in the past... why is that different now?

Jessica Jones is a role I hope she’ll feel good about playing for years. Like... they did the nasty bit and everything planned and shared seems to make her the center of what, on the ground, creates the Defenders.

I like Ritter as Jessica Jones way more, for just a single example :p

It is a modern attempt to do The Cosby Show.

So... kill the person?

OMG! I’m a Pound lover. Mostly just Modernist! I assume you like early 20th century stuffs, too?

Which just goes to show that the real deciding lines are about wealth and power. And those lines are maintained in a large part by pitting poor whites, poor hispanics, poor blacks and poor anyone against each other while the wealthy generally act in lockstep to protect and corner-off their own wealth and power.

You can transfer your 401k into your husband’s account... I know that sounds regressive but it may be the best idea. You may need to take a penalty, but having the sum together makes the investment soar faster.

Ford Maddux Ford... a very prolific and well regarded author from the earlier 20th century. Pound was a big fan and Eliot loved him as well.

OMG I’m kinda baby-crazy but I WANT. I want her to be my daughter :p

That’s an insanely good deal.

Jesus Christ this used to be what people talked about for college. We’re starting the crazy educational debt at 5-years-old now?

I’m partnered and we want kids. One of us has to stay home in MA. It is just unfavorable otherwise.

I wanted to say that “Bonjour Tristesse” is one of my favorite novels ever. Behind “A Certain Smile” and Ford’s “The Good Soldier”.

I think living a comfortable life for the masses should be the intent of any government.

A white-owned business in a formerly black neighborhood puts a sign in the window and everything is okay.

God damn. This so much. Thank you, Kelly!