
I’m a Honda person who is ecstatic about the Type-R finally coming in full to the US. I mean, looks are part of it but what is under the hood is more important. If I cared about looks most of all I’d likely just end up with a Civic sedan from the end of 8th gen and keep those beautiful, smooth curves in good shape.

They’re, again, going for the CSX look that has been kinda standard on the Type-R since the 8th gen.

I have my doubts that he’d follow through with trying to acquire the university’s documentation of all such accusations, investigations, and conclusions.

You’re absolutely right. Though all this talk of false/true misses the point.

If it helps to calm you, most of what Trump puts forth is downright illegal and we have checks and balances for this reason. Despite being a GoP candidate, the GoP will not sit by and get dragged down by a potentially clearly lawbreaking President. If he were elected and tried to do this shit the GoP, themselves,

They all look at the floor!

It has to do with the various licences held by the car manufacturers and such. It is absolutely cheaper for them to cut the licences for new purchases by now as the fees likely soon overtake the revenue.

If you like simulation racing, go for the new DiRT game. If you like arcade racers, The Crew is free on uplay night now.

It’s funny, because when faced with arcade racers I can’t win. I always slow for corners. As someone who raced a lot for real I just can’t bring even a virtual car around a corner above ~60mph if that. I know that it should tip the car.

I think that’s the difference between the first two Forza games being sims and the Horizon games being decidedly not a sim.

Horizon went kinda arcade-y, right? I hate arcade racers... I used to do Autocross and I just can’t get it into my head that I can corner at 95mph. That’s insane. I’ve been playing and enjoying The Crew lately... but even that makes me want to jump into older Forza or (even better for me since I’m a rally ran) the new

Crazy! Though Stein’s numbers don’t justify it being a four-way. Johnson is going to actually siphon votes from Trump. This rarely happens with third-parties.

From second- and third-hand observation, I think you have a lot of Libertarians in NH. No sales or income taxes, and chock full of MA natives with one thing in mind: to have access to the MA economy without actually being subject to MA sales and income taxes.

Hillary felt the need to turn to the camera and reassure other countries that no, contrary to what Orange Cheeto just said, the US will uphold treaties and that the country’s word is good. 

Either go whole hog on Hillary or accept that you’re going to be lumped in with Trump supporters in the baskets upon baskets of deplorables.

I’m damn surprised about New Hampshire, as a New Englander. Though I think the NH conservatives are more aligned with Johnson.

I guess my point is that we have state mandated vaccines for a reason. And if the vaccine turns Jenny into a “Ar-Tard”... then maybe one should rethink their relationship to understanding cause and effect.

They have a real medical need to make it serious.

In what one law enforcement source called a “reverse Psycho scene,”