
It was mostly that during the ACA negotiations when he was very in favor, economically, of a single-payer system and was a huge ally in that fight when the congress dropped it.

I have no idea why I get banned from Jez because I’m an Anarchist and this shit gets this much attention?

At least you aren’t a former fucking groupthink author who gets banned daily.

WTF is going on? I have no idea what this is even about..?

So what do you suggest? You assume these people are just stupid and a blight so take that to the full conclusion. Just advocate for the systemic death of conservatives.

Krugman has embarrassed himself beyond belief by engaging in hits on Sanders that were just dirty.

You sound like me. Who gets banned daily and comes back under new names.

That’s just my nightmare!

Jessica Biel is a very nice person. At least from my experience with her ten years ago.

Do you read other prison memoirs or is this just another way to vicariously be famous?

With the amount of effort Clinton people use to degrade and attack people who won’t vote for Trump but aren’t Clinton supporters... are you surprised when we’re funneling votes from third parties into the two major parties?

We lived through Reagan and Bush and Bush II. We did. If Trump wins we’ll live through it too though a lot of people will die while people like you and me have zero control over saving much of anyone.

Ted Cruz’s integrity is a known factor. It is negative.

I appreciate that! They hit their 50s and realized that they love each other but are far past the “sexy phase” of their relationship. They were older when I came along and I bet if they had had me (for sake of argument if they could) when they were 28 as they had planned I’d have had further experiences like this

This is why I either increase or decrease speed around such vehicles. Stopped behind? yeah, I’ll find an excuse to get away from the people directly in front of me who are transporting things that, if unsecured, will easily kill me.

Now imagine what people like this will do when they start mass-producing self-driving vans.

I mean, this is basically how “Jackass” started. It was a bunch of punk skater kids just taking videos of their crazy antics. If you ever want a screwed-up ride watch CKY2K.

As teenagers, we did such stupid similar things that I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about them.

Actually, the one that really gets me still is when I was a teenager I had a tendency to go through my parents’ stuff when they went out for a night and I was “old enough” (starting around 14ish) to stay home and look after my little sister without a sitter.

This happened in the early 80's and trust me when I tell you that had she been using it regularly everybody in the house would have been better for it.