The Yuppie Plague

“The straw(wo)man had to be invented in order to be liberated.”

Harambe died for that take.

Courageously did it embrace the ground.

White chick to African Americans: your political statement isn’t statement-y enough.


Twitter is the refuge of the vain

Is that a family sausage outlet next door?

Your souliversary is my birthday.

He made it out to Fontana for Dillon Francis, so he can’t be doing too badly.


Has there been any confirmation as to whether the explosive was masquerading as as a cellular device? Heard they went with the ol’ Mossad solution.

Dog friendly, in office alcohol acceptance are ubiquitous to Silicon Valley companies. Sounds like a legitimate case for workman’s compensation... and lawyerly efforts to maximize the payout.

No Enterprise love?

Now playing

That is strength, boy. That is power. The strength and lower of Tweets.

Ser Twenty of House Goodmen defeated Stannis; he is whom Jon must fear.

Bought one of these (Enchanted Forest?) for a friend back home who was going through a rough patch. She seemed to enjoy it, and if nothing else was a simple token of appreciation.

College campuses are now egalitarian representations of the United States? Lele

There are valid means of comparison to conventional cab services, even allowing for the discontinuity in number of cab operators vis-à-vis Uber drivers. Why was this not undertaken? Do cab rides never end poorly for patrons unless Uber or Lyft is involved?