Thank you to your mom for the work she does!
Ridiculous. My mom is an oncologist and her hospital doesn’t have enough tests to test “asymptomatic” employees who have been exposed to COVID while working. How on earth is what Cardi and her people do more essential than fighting cancer? Why are we wasting tests on them when they can just STAY HOME??
Michael B. Jordan’s a better choice, Obama. Dude hasn’t been creeping on teenagers.
Except she grew up middle-class just like Biden
The girl.
Yes HRC’s base knows misogyny played a major role in her loss. It’s not as widely acknowledged as this article implies. Just because it’s exhausting does not mean it should not be called out and shamed. The patriarchy is systemic and pervasive. We shouldn’t weary of calling misogyny by its name.
Hi. I don’t know whether you are American, but let me assure you that Americans, in fact, do need everything spelled out for them (us).
I was a big television without pity fan back in the day and so much mocking of JVB (which bad actor, horrrible crying face was really deserved), but I have to say, ever since Don’t Trust the B, I really like that he doesn’t take his former fame seriously and can joke about it. He’s really grown on me and hope he and…
Yeah, that snark set-up to that gut punch? He’s been through a lot.
I always cringe at blaming people for their own abuse because a social media platform outgrew itself before making a plan to handle abuse of its platform by the masses. Instagram (as now owned by FB) has no incentive to make itself good for people, and abuse should not be taken as a given. It’s what’s allowed because…
Harassment is bad actually, and isn’t okay or deserved if the target is famous. Hope that helps.
He has been playing small ball all his life. Instead of using the presidency to push markets around to make him hundreds of millions, he is at best pushing for people to stay at his hotels and asking for stays on his loans from Russian oligarchs.
Brian Stelter of CNN says this is the biggest news story of the last five years.
I think firefighters are peak traditional masculinity; they are (generally, obvs) big strong dudes doing dangerous work to protect everyone else. It is an unalloyed Good Thing™. A lot of bravery and self-sacrifice from guys who work out a lot, which sounds like a solid recipe for hotness.
Having worked with both police officers and firefighters, I think FFs are way more chill; agree they’re mostly bros, but not “let me put you in a chokehold” control freaks like cops.
And it’s always something about how Uncle Hal lost his leg in a thresher when he was a boy, but still managed to operate the family coal mine. He was a generous man. A good man. A christian man. So we’ll make a window frame out of anthracite in the shape of a cross. God bless.
I do not doubt this for a second. I seem to recall that he had a drinking problem at some point. I once thought he was reasonably attractive but he looks like a skeevy uncle now.