I am really torn on this. I generally say live and let live when it comes to any of these choices, and I have more than a few friends with very expensive non-rescue dogs, but I won’t lie I expected a lot more from AOC.
I am really torn on this. I generally say live and let live when it comes to any of these choices, and I have more than a few friends with very expensive non-rescue dogs, but I won’t lie I expected a lot more from AOC.
I don’t know how Hollyhock comes back from learning about Bojack’s garbage in New Mexico.
I wonder what would happen if everybody who gets upset over award show recognition decided to stop paying any attention to award shows. Genuinely, I wonder. That’s not an attempt at backhanded criticism. I get why, in industry terms, it at least theoretically matters who is nominated for these silly things (i.e.,…
This is serial monogamy on steroids.
Beat me to it. Hopefully we get an “I have recently become aware that I am pree-guh-NAN-t” video out of this development though I don’t know if Drew Droege is still doing the character.
I can’t help it. I just can’t.
The biggest problem with the “Bernie would have won” lament is not that it’s based almost entirely on magical thinking (although it is). The problem is that it was a narrative the Sanders campaign decided to amplify the moment he lost California and, therefore, any rational or reasonable argument for remaining in the…
But he would’ve won.
Right JK has always been a TERF, she follows fellow TERFS and has retweeted them.
You’re still wrong. Biological sex is not wholly determined via genetics, and it’s also a spectrum.
Have you read the ruling? If not, I suggest you read it because this woman did not only say that “sex is unchangable” (which ignores the existence of intersex people, but OK), she also said a BUNCH of transphobic crap over the years in letters, tweets and emails, including “transwomen are men.” That is why she was…
To say “sex” is unchangible is not inaccurate, as of today we cannot change our genetic makeup. Its not possible, if you die and your genetics are tested even after transitioning you’ll be identified biologically as what you were born as.
This is inaccurate, though. Sex is not based solely on genetics, and people who believe you cannot change your sex are not “scientifically accurate”.
Too late. She’s an asshole, and has been one for a while. This is probably not even her final asshole form.
Starting this convo with a fuck Tulsi Gabbard.
Lil Bub will forever be my favorite internet cat to ever live. No other internet cat will ever come close to the magnificence that is Lil Bub. She was a magical cat sent from the universe and had so much to give from such a tiny body. She will continue to be magical and help those special cats less fortunate. Rest…
The headline...
Would it have killed them to go with “RIP Lil Bub”?
Yo this headline seems more edgelord-ish than usual.
Not to mention all the thousands and thousands of animals she helped, raised money for and donated to. Bub and her person did SO much for SO many.