They Sell Eggs

Maybe. “Out of the Woods” and “Style” were released as singles before the album too IIRC, and both were pretty good. Whereas she’s released three from this album so far, two of which are bad and this is . . . I like it, but I could imagine getting tired of listening to it pretty quickly (it’s kind of monotonous).

This song was produced by Shellback and Max Martin

I love you for choosing this name.

I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.

1. Taylor is the most Slytherin Slytherin who has ever Slytherin-ed. Lean into it, girl.

Won’t someone please think of the comedians?

If sarah silverman makes this joke...

1. Can you name a case of a guy winking at a woman at work and then having to call a lawyer?

2. But also don’t wink at women you work with. What are you even thinking with that?

I’m sorry Godot’s acting skills? Seriously? Acting skils? What?!

Right? I mean, how is that even possible? There’s a lot more to acting a scene than simply opening your mouth and saying words out loud. Good grief.

Yeah, uh... I don’t even know how this could be feasible to do on the scale of an entire TV season.

I... are we sure this wasn’t a joke? Like 100%? B/c this sounds beyond the pale of absurdity.

Yeah, I’m also at a loss to understand others’ inability to grasp the psychological trauma here.

I’m thinking, survivor guilt (as others are pointing out, it sounds like he may have found her body, but not in time to save her), losing his girlfriend in general, and really, looking at that stuff he wrote before this, the loss of many friends already on the mountains left him in a pretty dark place - this was

“Sad story but I’m going to be an asshole anyway.”

No, the issue is that twitter is a private entity that can regulate the messages that are sent across the platform. It is not a free speech issue. Twitter can create guidelines that can completely censor specific viewpoints.

The First Amendment restricts the government or government agencies’ abilities to infringe upon one’s free speech, not Twitter.

This use of the term Thirsty was invented for Lea Michele. There is no better way to describe her public persona.

I hope that’s a waterbed because Lea Michele seems excessively thirsty.