
It should be valid, if you're accessing Netflix via VPN Netflix assumes you'r on vacation and shows you the US content.

I couldn't, even if I wanted to, all my money now belongs to @avclub-f1cabca05a9a64dd5900cf947a6792ca:disqus

I already wondered were they were, but you can keep them. Just try to do better than me.

Fuck, now I merged it with my Diqus Account and everythings shit. Thanks anyways, guys.

@avclub-baaedcdb844cfad4d960c9df351fd807:disqus  You're right wasn't that the joke in that episode? Ohmygod I'm being meta. Accidentally, but still.

Well, then I'll have to stick with this Username I stole from an season 2 epsiode of How I Met Your Mother I found Mildly amusing 5 years ago or so.

I know this hasn't got anything to do with this, burt does anybody know how I can change my Username on this site without starting a new account?

Peddle your site elsewhere

It does not suck at all. It's not as good as the podcast, but it's a very welcome addition.

Books: The best friends money CAN buy !

I think The Flop House Guys are more knowledgable about the movies they riff on in general and do not yell as much, but I find the HDTGM hosts way more sympathetic. The Flop House guys seem sometimes very condescending and kind of douchy, especially Elliott Kalan.

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.

Shockingly, some of them do. But I agree that this could be a bit too much CBB.

For a minute I wasn't sure, but now I'm pretty sure you do!

On New Year's Eve I got locked in a bank vault with Mr. Mooney. It was another one of my harebrained schemes to celebrate the New Year

I thought it was its gritty remake?



SIIIIIIIIIIIMS does (for haters) or (for fans)

Okay, I think that they sometimes get a bit too mean-spirited for my taste. But most of the time I just think it's very funny. And given how many podcasts they're reviewing in this feature they certainly could squeeze that one in as well