The Yellow Box

Can we call Jozy Altidore the American Fernando Torres?

Maybe a question for the Regressing blog: what are the numbers like for the other Big 4 leagues?

My brother got so drunk at Christmas two years ago that when I tried to drop him off, he ran out into the middle of the street and I hit him with the car. Luckily, no injuries, but that was a fun time explaining to my parents why they heard a bump and tires squealing.

Slow Clap for the constitutional history reference. +1

[Roach] is still is hoping to get his medal.

Captain, thank you for your service, and keep fighting the good fight. Congress may be AWOL on this for now, but thanks to Senator Gillibrand's bill, I think momentum's swinging the right way. Even as you were betrayed by your fellow soldiers, you've proven to be a better person than any of them.

Will try. Thanks, Emeril.

Seared fish was a staple for me for my senior year of college, and yes, while stainless steel searing requires steel wool, the food was worth the later labor.

Sadly, he probably is the most qualified of the three (granted, the bar's pretty damn low) to talk about it.

Number Salad= Bureaucratic obfuscation of the central tenet: sure, some improvements in protecting women, but shit is still fucked up.

This is what happens when people don't peer review their stuff. Most (I hope) people would have read that statement and burned it with the fire of a thousand suns, but that cock-up means the PR machine ran amok.

I agree with everything but this: Winston is undoubtedly an asshole, but I'm wary of saying that "statistics point to him being guilty." If he did it, may he have that follow him around for the rest of his life; but it's much, much more rewarding to humiliate and shame him when the verdict is in. (And if they don't

Of course, today, a teen-targeted series with practically the same storyline is one of our reigning movie franchises. But even in a post-Hunger Games world, it still feels illicit and possibly wrong to watch this. Now it's just easier.

Good on Olney, but with the byzantine voting process, it may take years to fix this mess (especially if the "retroactive moralists" don't go along with this). And since players' eligibility is finite, what would the voters do to deal with the fact that some players might get screwed over?

Burneko's back!

Man, you mad bro?

The sad part is, the previous actions (like Nixon calling a state of emergency, the mooted rules of engagement) all telegraphed this judgement. I stopped being outraged a few weeks ago; now I'm just resigned to it.

WOW. Vick throwback for the win.

+1 and good on you for taking that damned song to school.

So if I create a manager named Luis Suarez, will I be taking a bite out of my television and then have to wait for four months before playing again?