As long as you’ll all have me <3
As long as you’ll all have me <3
Just keep being yourselves :) You guys keep this place and each other from going to the grays, literally and figuratively. Knowing everyone is doing well is enough for now <3
Things are better now. I was homeless for a little around the time my messages slowed/stopped. Took a while to get a new place but by then, the holidays were happening and I was preparing to start college again. Combined with family drama and being depressed on and off, I was completely drained. I feel like I almost…
Sorry for disappearing so suddenly. Thanks for not forgetting about me
A small minority of whites might have perpetrated the lynchings,but a countless number of them supported or refused to come against it. The fact that this genocide has gone virtually unpunished in every way shows how complicit whites are and have been in every facet of society. Law enforcement, government agencies,…
You drive a hard bargain.
I recognize that our rhythmic capabilities are astounding and somewhat perplexing to many folks whose bodies just cannot mimic motions (some black folks are afflicted with this inability as well—bigly sad)
Congrats on getting on The Root!!! Your writing is great and meshes with the other staff members and contributors.
I try! When I look back at my writing, all I do is gripe at how quickly Kinja’s edit option disappears. I feel like I can only write semi-decent when someone or something angers me haha (thanks grays). Maybe some reference to that will go in my bio for our book ;)
Sister. Woman. Negress. My pronoun is She. My past is Pink Oil Mosturizer, my present is Queen Sugar, my future is round trip ticket to Boule. I will see you at the cookout and I will vouch for the potato salad because I will make it myself.
Only good as a deli meat, or ground up and put in a burger.
Turkey is chicken’s dry ass big brother. It’s like a chicken breast sitting out in the sun for three days, but everywhere.
... Am I wrong for enjoying this?
Jan saying lying that her ass “didn’t notice that she was Black” is bullshit because she led in her first post with “political correctness.” A white person only references ‘political correctness’ (an already bullshit term—but that’s a rant for another day) when they’re attempting to sugarcoat the white privilege in…
Agreed. Season 2 should’ve been here by now.
I’m supposed to believe Bernie was sacrificing and fighting the good fight or all six black people in Vermont?