Anyone looking for the supposed pinnacle of civilization is hopefully looking elsewhere by this point.
Anyone looking for the supposed pinnacle of civilization is hopefully looking elsewhere by this point.
“Tell it to a Judge.”
No, passing on a double yellow is being an asshole. Swerving to intimidate and kill is [attempted (edit)] murder. Asshole is much lower on the scale.
What kind of sociopath thinks trying to kill someone over a traffic infraction is equivalent to the traffic infraction?
Harmlessly passing someone in a no passing zone isn’t being an “asshole” . Trying to murder two people is.
even though thats only a two second loop, tcsi, i still think it went on too long to be donnie.
i bet his fucking face is even more repellant.
I can not stand trump’s fucking voice.
I’m pretty sure that Donald told us that he never settles with the plaintiffs. Hmmmmm....
This is terrific. Everyone needs a cribsheet to follow all the players.
“Meanwhile, Breitbart looks to be blaming the Georgia Republican establishment for any potential future loss...”
The way ICE has been going at immigrants these last months is terrifying. It makes me think they have just been waiting for years to get permission to get so aggressive. I wonder how many racists/bigots are in employed by them.
Why is a shar-pei wearing an ICE flak vest in that top photo?
I’m not a smart man, but I figure I can guess the skin tone of each one of those people.
I can’t wait for the outpouring of outrage from conservatives who claim to be concerned about federal government overreach and jackbooted federal thugs.
“An analysis by NPR found that between 2007 and 2015, 693 US citizens were detained in jails illegally at the request of immigration agents, and 818 citizens were held in detention centers.”
Him and McCain, they deserve all the 70's terms for wimpy people that I can’t (for good reason) use anymore.
She would have been impeached for the email nonsense by now, three months in. That is what’s happening in an alternate universe now, her impeachment trial. But actual treason gets a pass from these jokers. If Democrats weren’t so goddamned useless, every one of them would have been screaming “treason” every hour on…
“I can’t imagine what the world would look like if Hillary Clinton were the president right now... Blech.”