They Call Him Only G

I actually quite enjoyed it, although I haven’t read the manga in years so I was coming into it more for it being an Adam Wingard film than a Death Note adaptation. But yeah, I thought the performances were decent (Lakeith Stanfield and Willem Dafoe especially), it looked great and the soundtrack was killer. I really

Haha, thanks! Yeah, I may have exaggerated a bit about everyone exiting en masse, I'll definitely hang around in some capacity at the very least, I won't be getting video game coverage quite like this anywhere else that's for sure. To be honest I'm kinda kicking myself I didn't jump in sooner, kept psyching myself out

Ah very good! Could probably use your expertise around my neck of the woods to be honest, my governments been a bit of a shambles for a while now…
And that's awesome! Don't know how I missed this, I must check it out.

Thank you kindly for the nice welcome! Haha, fun fact indeed. What sort of stuff do you work with if you don't mind me asking?
But yeah it was pretty much through Frank Cifaldi how I learned about just how dire the current level of games preservation is, and it's cool to see someone take it so seriously. Even when he's

I never played the first Mega Man Legacy Collection, but I'm a fan of Frank Cifaldi (RIP Insert Credit podcast) and his conservation work so I was dismayed to learn he wasn't involved with the second one. Although I suppose his efforts have led Capcom to believe there's still money in the Blue Bomber, so silver

It's a pain that never ends.

Probably Star Fox 64 (or Lylat Wars as it was called over here in Ireland at the time). My first ever video game, which resulted in roughly ten years of being embarrassingly pro-Nintendo and nothing else.
My dad still somehow has the high score, despite him never being able to beat freaky brain Andross.