
As Vern Schillinger, he should have also learned about hiding stuff in food. Also retribution.

I lost it when she stuck that tiny little stretchy hand to the fridge.

My neighbor's sister has been selling her poop, and she has just bought a new BMW! I started last week and have been making avg. $80/hr. pooping at home. You can do it too!

The joys of being biracial. People can never get your ethnicity correct.

I'm biracial and this happens to me a few times a month, with the offender typically being a retail sales associate.

Whenever I see Bobby Jindal, I am reminded of the time when I was watching him on the news with the television muted, closed caption on (I was on the phone). The closed captioning kept referring to him as "Govenor Genital" and "Bobby Genital, governor of Louisiana." Now whenever I see him, he is "Governor Genital" to

This guy has been, is, and always will be a fucking moron.

It takes a very brave politician to come right out and say "I'm not FOR discrimination".

Not like all those other politicians and their tired "Dude, I fucking love discrimination! I discriminate always because it's the funnest!" interview responses. No, this guy is different. He has the temerity to say he's not FOR

Also known as "Republicans."

It's like the ones that say they are "Christians" but do not support helping the poor.

I don't even think he believes this stuff.

This asshole was just in London and he managed to piss off everyone by lying about no go zones for non-Muslims. Republicans you are obsessed with spreading lies about UK (including the NHS), so please leave us alone even UK Conservatives think you guys need to get a new hobby.

oh fuck off bobby jindal

The upside to all of this is that Jindal will not ever rank higher than he does as a Governor of lower state (as seen by the GOP). A few years ago they thought putting their strength behind him as a "minority leader' would help them, but the GOP has since lost faith. He'll never be a unifying factor considering all

I literally have no idea what she does except make me jealous with her amazing butt. When I first heard of her she was a model/Kanye's girlfriend.

that's because hers are still stretched. If she ever deflates them there will be stretchmarks aplenty!

You know what's bullshit? She doesn't have any stretchmarks on her tits and I do.

If you work out daily, but can't squeeze it in before work, you're not (or shouldn't) go to work without having showered, but you're also not going to go to bed without showering after you work out.

If we weren't in a drought, I would shower at least twice a day, every day. I have definitely showered 3 times a day before. When I work out, I shower twice a day. I fucking love showers.