
wendy's has a gluten-free protocol- all you have to do is ask- they serve on a lettuce leaf and change gloves/avoid cross-contamination (or at least they have been trained to do so- I suspect asking nicely goes a long way). Online, they gf identify their items, as do alot of ff joints. Chipotle is awesome for a non-

no man, he was do-able in the distant kennedy style yo

the episodes with ziggy, dude- I hated that asshole! Also: Herc could eat a dick.

perfect description of celiac. Anyone who would choose a gluten free diet just for the fuck of it or to whine is a moron. #iwantacookie

awww, Im the one who explained what Dale is...but none of my posts show up anymore. I am sad- I liked u guys and Im pretty isolated

pitbull wins folks- he yells dale and whooooo hoo and yells shit and talks a bit and gets all the money- can't hate the guy he wins

what really pisses me the fuck off is this ho all crying because "God punishing me" when she got fat while she was pregnant- I just cant express the incredible virulent disgust I have for these fucking people sometimes.


lol- because exact figures of fantasy cash matter (breathing real hard)

dumbasses deserve to be in jail- you have that shit sitting in a box on the kitchen table in a tableau of being wrapped in brown paper and string with a note inside...I picked up this money and am returni.." when the cops show up, you get a fucking reward. That's how you do that. How do I know? Because money on the

she's yelling "rumspringa" while her fist is in there

the bish behind them is awesome- she saying "omish, mafucka!"

thanks Mark Shrayber for making this christmas so awesome (lifts glass of Bailey's) cheers!

why does TMZ keep making it a big issue whether or not this bish is on "meds"? If she is bipolar, she most likely will need to be on medication for the rest of her life, and that shouldnt be a big deal and especially shouldnt be "newsworthy" if someone is or is not on psych medications. If it is she herself making

But I feel Americans themselves are to blame for the republican agenda altogether- we are the only civilized nation that has to be dragged kicking and screaming toward providing freaking basic healthcare to all citizens- this is a subject that viscerally upsets me, its like I cant find the words to explain what I

we got a bougie over here!

that sweater is awesome- ironic people are just so banal if they mock that sweater i WOULD wear the shit out of it

id rather hang out with the cashier than a roomfull of ironic snots anyday

fucking hypocrite.