The Prophet Shithammed

Right. Let’s destroy history like ISIS and pretend it didn’t happen. #libtardlogic

You are delusional. If the parents aren’t helping the kids learn at home the teachers can’t teach. I’ve lived in black communities growing up and watched as the parents bashed the school system in front of their kids. Monkey see, monkey do. If you grow up thinking your parents are right about the school system they

Thank the non existent God. If you are so mentally weak that suicide is your go to answer. I hope they do it right and get the damn job done.

I knew you hated western culture and free speech but to advocate terrorism is a new low for kinja. I really hope this is the nail in the coffin that ruins this garbage company.

Have you seen them try to cover politics or say anything truthful about Trump? Of course they don’t fact check that would take integrity!

But she didn’t go to a republican congress did she? Because we didn’t control the house at that time. So no one denied funding to her. She denied funding to others.

It says a lot about who we are as a country? Yeah it says the people who decide who our president will be didn’t trust a woman who has gotten Americans unjustly killed on more than one occasion. Of course trump won. Anyone who loves their fellow American would’ve voted trump.

You mean exactly like the liberals have been doing and continue to do?

I’m sorry. Are you trying to imply that because legal Mexican gangs exist we should allow illegals to stay?

Disrespecting and criticizing our government. So cool! I bet you could do a way better job with your community college degree!

Fuck you and how dare you say it dehumanizes illegal immigrants. How disrespectful you are to the victims of illegal aliens criminal activities. Growing up in LA and the San Fernando valley I got to see first hand illegal Mexican gangs killing, stealing, selling drugs and much more. Fuck you for trying to protect

I love when little liberal Sheep come out and say dumb shit like you just did. Belittling my overall point to try and take credibility away. I know all the kinja sites are dominated by liberal snowflakes with no real world experience and a hive mind of political correctness.

You can get upset all you want but logic beats emotion every time. I’m far less bigoted and hateful than you liberals would like to paint me. Stop living behind a computer screen thinking you’re high and mighty and go experience the world first hand.

She is disobeying her “religion” and so is her father. If this is how they feel they need to choose another religion. The Quran is very clear and not lenient in any way. You can’t call these people Muslim because they are not following the practices required to be Muslim. Just like you can’t call murderers Christians

That was a really pathetic attempt at insult and you couldn’t be more wrong. I love everyone and respect everyone that does the same for me.

Hillary is the next watergate and no one wants to pay attention. Didn’t we take history in high school and learn something like: We study history so we don’t make the same mistakes. Yet here you people are. Praying that she wins and sells our freedoms rather than vote for the man that said mean things. boo hoo.

Shes currently researching her next American Target. Shes not a boss. She’s a murderous cunt who deserves to be in front of a firing squad. I’ve seen people do less and get more jail time than she did for her private server bullshit and they were wearing uniforms serving this beautiful country. Her supporters are

Right, so you care more about this and choose to ignore the fact that hillary got americans killed, deleted tweets, called bernie supporters basement dwellers, consistently lies to the media and public and has a very long history of murder conspiracies. But you keep going with your anti trump hate speech and throw

Trumps not a racist. He hasn’t said a single racist thing. Thats you believing the media. The reason I replied to you though is because why would anyone be upset at someone using their own personal money to support a pro trump campaign that’s not associated with trump but no one gives a shit that hillary sold her time

I just want to point out to all the people that have suddenly reversed their support for himself and the oculus rift due to his political stance. You are exactly what you hate. Bigots. Racists. Ignorant orange people. Its funny how democrats have said on multiple occasions that a political view should not change your