
I feel like a freak because as much as I love Tina, 30 Rock usually leaves me cold. A few episodes have had me in stitches, but it's really hit or miss in my opinion (with more misses than hits). It's the kind of show I'd watch at my mom's where she gets 5 channels and doesn't have broadband, not something I go out of

I think I agree with you.

Ugh, that sucks... did you tell her that you wanted more hours? I was once passed over for promotion to supervisor at my job in favor of my new boss's little brother despite the fact that he'd worked there for 2 months and I'd worked there for over a year and was putting in 55+ hours a week. Infuriated me to the point

hahaha I actually graduated from High School on 06/06/06 and people definitely commented on that... working in retail I have rung up many people's totals to be $6.66 and once (only once) a man said, oh add something else to that so it isn't that amount! I always think in my head, the devil's number... even though I'm

Exactly the same one!!! Ugh, so annoying!!

Ahhh, gotcha! I missed the part where you live with your close friends, sorry! I don't have any further advice, other than to say that I really do understand where you're coming from (my "number" if certain things are counted as sex has given me pause before), but only having sexual encounters you don't regret sounds

I have the exact same feeling toward spiders/most other bugs (except for the really gross ones)... and I'm not going to lie it really pisses me off when I got out of my way to happily/peacefully cohabitate with them and then they have to go and get all up in my grill and force me to take drastic measures...

If I could heart you again, I would!

Aw, I like that sentiment a lot! :) He is very snuggly.... :)

Will Arnett is my dream man. And Amy Poehler is my dream best friend. I guess I'm happy for them, but more than anything I really just want to be Amy Poehler. Ugh even their kids have adorable names.

If your work has an answering machine that people check regularly why don't you call tonight and leave a message saying something like "Hi, it's colormeroutine and I just realized I thought I was working 9-9 tomorrow, but that it might have been changed to a 7-7... I'll be planning on coming in at 9, but if you need

Re: your comment about worrying about your number, I get what you mean, but (and I realize this might sound awful) you can lie about that, for starters and more importantly, it really, really doesn't matter. I'm not sure how old you are, but I've never had someone (other than other female friends) ask me how many

Ooo, what about science kit type stuff? When I was little (I am a lady so I was a girl - haha) I LOVED pretending I was experimenting on stuff even though I was a pretty girly girl who also loved barbies and stuffed animals... getting a science kit would have been super cool to me! Also we (me and my bro) loved legos,

I felt promiscuous when I realized that if I had ended up pregnant from a casual sexual encounter (we used protection and I did not end up pregnant, but accidents happen) that I could not even remember the guy's name and had no way of ever contacting him again. I was not comfortable with that and have since adjusted

Yeah, that's a good point... it's stupid because I know he's into me and obviously my body isn't an issue for him so it shouldn't be for me, but it is... ugh! Glad to know I'm not the only one who struggles with this :\ all of my close girl friends who I would talk to about it are way thinner than me and I doubt would

Your comment made me go "oh shit" out loud because laundry was the ONE thing I absolutely had to get done today (classes start tomorrow and all my clothes are still dirty from my trip over the holiday... oops) and I didn't.

I hope he gets it!!

Haha! Sounds like you and your boyfriend have a great relationship!

I gain it all on my stomach too... I have no self control. :( I'm sorry that you're struggling with this, I hope the rest of 2012 is filled with less insane food cravings and more awesome sex for you! (I hope that wasn't awkward, I am drinking, excuse me)

Thanks, you're absolutely right of course! Ugh, I hate that I'm so shallow, but I guess this is a good thing to work on since I'm trying to make 2012 the year of me being awesome :) haha. But it's good to hear from someone who went through it and it became not an issue for, gives me hope that I will overcome my