

First of all, I love these.

I can't motivate you because the Midwestern winter has gotten the better of me and I haven't run since Thanksgiving :( , BUT that's AWESOME! Go you! I'm impressed and a little jealous :)

Sometimes people suck, but you're not one of them so yay! :) (< no sarcasm I know sometimes it's hard to tell on the good old internetz)

I would probably not drink because of it being like water... maybe have one or two if I was really craving an alcoholic beverage for it's flavor. But I am not a doctor and am not advocating you go against doctor's advice!

go to "profile" under your username in the top right, then click "public profile" (link near the top on the right side under your name... then there should be a bunch of options/links under your name, click "edit profile" and then at the bottom there will be something that says "change avatar image" click that, follow

Visa definitely!

It got up to 38 here today and felt balmy after a couple weeks with highs in mid 20s! I wish it were closer to spring though...

Yum! I'm having rice with cheese and broccoli :)

Ah ok! Great, got it... thanks for the tips/luck :) I'm heading over there now so hopefully it will be nonawkward and fun... maybe he has a girlfriend/is gay anyway! :)

I think we are going to watch a movie at his place... I don't think it's a date or that he's into me like that, but I don't know, I'm notoriously bad at reading people... what would the hints that I could drop be?

Thanks! He actually texted me first a couple minutes after I wrote this and asked what I would like to do and said that he has some movies... so I don't know, we'll see... I've grown so accustomed to being a hermit that I am filled with dread about how awkward I will be, but I have to remind myself I do have friends,

Ahh! While I was writing out my text and editing it he actually texted me (and said "Hey! What time would you want to do something? And what do you want to do? I have some movies") so that was a relief... of course being super awkward I did whole "anytime, no idea what to do, I like movies!" reply (that's not actually


Haha I was just thinking about this tonight while watching the new episode! I mean, sure, he could still be alive at 17ish years, but he's so sprightly...

Come on Joy Behar, everyone knows Jack Donaghy wouldn't risk falling asleep on a plane and being incepted...

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden are adorable and I really hope they stay together/happy because I'm weirdly invested in their private life?

Haha, oh cats... Thank you! I love how helpful Jezebel is... I was in full on freak out mode a few minutes ago and now I know it's going to be fine :)

Haha thank you! And don't worry, as soon as the charger stopped I resaved everything to flash drives! :) But I'm bummed because I was looking forward to a night of watching crap tv online and now I'm going to have to actually study from a textbook!

Haha, wow really?! Does the free part only apply if my Macbook is still in warranty?