Thanks! I am definitely leaning toward the Pro now... and I hear you on the PC thing, I do, they just make me so nervous haha.
Thanks! I am definitely leaning toward the Pro now... and I hear you on the PC thing, I do, they just make me so nervous haha.
Thanks! That's the kind of insight I was looking for (like I said I know nothing about computers/what I need)
I am kind of similar in that I feel like its always down to me to stay in touch with people and get upset sometimes that I feel like if I didn't make an effort then I would lose touch with people. But I do make the effort and keep in touch (especially after having lived in different countries, I want to keep the…
I know I was surprised and super bummed when I looked at their store a couple days ago (because my ipod died and I realized I can't get a new one because it won't be compatible with my computer's software or whatever).
Interesting point... I do mostly use it around the house, but I always feel like I might become one of those people that takes their computer everywhere with them? Haha, I guess if it hasn't happened yet, it's unlikely to.
You should really remedy that... amazing show.
Any thoughts on MacBook Pro vs. MacBook Air?
That's a good idea! Hopefully the standard what do you like things will help... We talked today and it was pretty comfortable ... Ugh I am meeting him in less than an hour! Also, I feel kind of weird because I don't usually make singular guy friends? I don't know how to describe this, but my male friends tend to come…
Oh that sucks about your school's career services department! :( Maybe your regular academic advisor would be able to help with some ideas? Also, I don't know how feasible this is for you, but I just got an email from a member of a club I'm in talking about what she did over the summer (working abroad in our field),…
I was just talking to my friend about this today... why would anyone want her power?! Everyone else gets something that's at least useful, if not cool. We are hoping they do something more with her character in the new series.
When you blow leaves (I assume with a leaf blower?) they tend to go in all directions (but away from you), when you herd wild cats (I assume, never having done this) they would go in all directions (but away from you - unless they mean lions/tigers in which case I guess they might come at you...)
Oh, I would say teach abroad! I took 2 years off between degrees and couldn't find a "real job" so I ended up in a coffee shop and then in retail and it was soul destroying. I considered teaching abroad, but didn't get myself together until I had already decided to go back to school. I would look into teaching…
Exactly. I mean they're all pretty messed up, but I love them.
I just moved to a new town a couple weeks ago and am going out tonight with my first "potential friend" for some drinks. I'm kind of nervous! But alcohol (in moderation) should make things less uncomfortable, right?! Now I just need to figure out what to wear...
Yeah, I guess she's not taking AP English Language in high school.
I LOVE Misfits! And totally bummed about Nathan not returning too :\ hopefully it will stay awesome without him.
But were you wearing clothes that in any way indicated you have lady parts? Because if so, sorry, but you were asking for it... (and should be feeling grateful for the attention)
My favorite is that you apparently can't wear long sleeved shirts... I was once wearing a cami with a button down (tight fitted, thin fabric) cardigan over it and was told I had to remove my cardigan O.o I kind of understand if they want you to take off a jacket or a bulky hoodie, but I was basically just wearing a…
I play games with people and I'm aware of it and I know why I do it. Even though it disgusts me I can't seem to stop.
Haha oh god I relate to this so much too!